Interim Executive Committee and first 100+ Founding Members

January 23, 2023

The World Metaverse Council (WMC) is pleased to announce the appointment of its Interim Executive Committee and first 100+ founding members.

A list of founding members can be found in this link:

In welcoming founding members, Dr Jane Thomason Interim Chair of WMC :
“We are very proud to pass our first benchmark of 100 founding members. Welcome to all and we look forward to working with you to build WMC as the “go to” peak Metaverse body globally.”

ViceChair, Tadej Slapnik noted:
“We have 35 countries represented and 26 % female and 74 % male and we support and strive for diversity on the WMC.”

Congratulations to all founding members and thank you for your willing contributions. The responsibilities of the founding members are:

  1. Elect an Executive Committee to govern the Council
  2. Refine the Vision for the Council
  3. Share knowledge of Metaverse developments globally
  4. Provide Thought Leadership in Metaverse development
  5. Support fundraising for the Council
  6. Build and develop the membership structure and business plan
  7. Engage and connect Metaverse community globally
  8. Build a global connected collaborative network
  9. Lead and develop working groups on Regulation, Education, Sustainability and Events.
  10. Lead engagement with governments and international bodies on Metaverse standards and regulation

The WMC Interim Executive Committee comprises:

  1. Chair – Dr Jane Thomason, Kasei Holdings + British Blockchain + Frontier Tech Association, UAE
  2. Vice Chair – Tadej Slapnik, Hashnet + Blockchain for Trusted Data Ecosystems Digital

Text of WMC LinkedIn announcement 22.1.2023:

The World Metaverse Council (WMC) is pleased to announce the appointment of its Interim Executive Committee and first 100+ founding members.

A list of founding members can be found in this link:

In welcoming founding members, Dr Jane Thomason Interim Chair of WMC :
“We are very proud to pass our first benchmark of 100 founding members. Welcome to all and we look forward to working with you to build WMC as the “go to” peak Metaverse body globally.”

ViceChair, Tadej Slapnik noted:
“We have 35 countries represented and 26 % female and 74 % male and we support and strive for diversity on the WMC.”

Congratulations to all founding members and thank you for your willing contributions. The responsibilities of the founding members are:

  1. Elect an Executive Committee to govern the Council
  2. Refine the Vision for the Council
  3. Share knowledge of Metaverse developments globally
  4. Provide Thought Leadership in Metaverse development
  5. Support fundraising for the Council
  6. Build and develop the membership structure and business plan
  7. Engage and connect Metaverse community globally
  8. Build a global connected collaborative network
  9. Lead and develop working groups on Regulation, Education, Sustainability and Events.
  10. Lead engagement with governments and international bodies on Metaverse standards and regulation

The WMC Interim Executive Committee comprises:

  1. Chair – Dr Jane Thomason, Kasei Holdings + British Blockchain + Frontier Tech Association, UAE
  2. Vice Chair – Tadej Slapnik, Hashnet + Blockchain for Trusted Data Ecosystems Digital Innovation Hub, Slovenia
  3. Treasurer – Branko Mitrović, EMBA, ewasoft AG, Switzerland
  4. Secretary – Aleksandra Prodanovic Stamenovic, ewasoft Sl, Slovenia
  5. Member – Loretta Joseph, ADC Forum, Australia
  6. Member – Aleš Pevc, Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia
  7. Member – Miroslav Polzer, GloCha – United Citizens Organization for Action for Climate Empowerment & GloCha Fdt. NY Inc., Austria
  8. Member – Philippe Rixhon, Philippe Rixhon Associates Ltd; United Kingdom

Elections for the Executive Committee will be held at the first WMC in person event, later in the year.
Membership of the WMC is open to all and we invite you to join us using this link:

Following the establishment of the WMC, we will invite members to start chapters of the WMC in the own country. We will provide more information on how to start a WMC chapter in coming weeks.

Here is a link: to WMC LinkedIn profile.